Most of people while choosing text or video think about their benefits. A simple video in 2-3 minutes can convey a lot of information to the viewer. It might take hours of reading to assimilate the same information. We have prepared for you a list of reasons why video is better than text, providing the article with statistical information from official sources.

People are visuals
The main reason for the tremendous success of video is the structure of the human brain. You can understand the meaning of an image in just 1 / 10th of a second – it’s like reading 200-250 words. The average person remembers about 80% of the information from the video, 20% from the text, and only 10% of the incoming information is memorized by ear. 1 minute explainer video provides a lot of the information.
Video – more informative
On average, 1 minute of video can replace 2 thousand words as an example of video vs text. At the same time, unlike photos, videos are much more informative – you can not only demonstrate, but also describe a product or service. If a text or photo covers only one of the ways to demonstrate a process / phenomenon, then a video is a combination of them. The video is ideal for lessons, describing scientific discoveries or abstract things.
Video is more effective
60% of users watch a video before reading the text on a web page. However, if a video is posted on the page, the user is delayed until 5:50 minutes. This means video is more than 5.3 times more effective at retaining users than text!
At the same time, videos are watched not only for entertainment. More than half of the people at work watch business training videos weekly. 66% of educational institutions shoot video for such distance learning. Almost all online educational resources (like Coursera) use video as the dominant component of their courses. This allows students to significantly increase the effectiveness of learning – the time for mastering the material decreases, and memorization increases.
Video dominates the marketing world
60% of videos like real estate explainer video that are viewed are videos about products and services. The likelihood of purchasing a product with video ads increases by 85%. 92% of B2B service customers watch videos online. According to the latest research, using the word “video” in your newsletter increases open rates by 19%, clicks by 65%, and helps reduce unsubscriptions by 26%. At the same time, 34% of users are more inclined to make an order or purchase after watching a video.
Top 5 industries that use video: software companies, marketing agencies, nonprofit & educational organizations, and healthcare companies. 96% of B2B companies use video as part of their marketing campaign. Of these, 73% note the positive impact of video on conversion. Videos have great success in restaurant advertising – a person will see not only beautiful photos of delicious dishes, but will also be able to see the entire cooking process.
Increased mobile traffic
As of February 2021, 45.3% of views were on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). In 2020, this figure was 34.8%, which indicates a rapid growth in mobile traffic. Viewers from desktop devices stay on video for an average of 2 minutes, while mobile users are more patient: iPhone users watch 2.4 minutes, Android – 3 minutes, Symbian – 4 minutes, and iPad – 5 minutes!

Videos are good for searching
Of the top 100 searches on Google, video results account for 70%. Google, Bing and other search engines have made video a key variable in the search formula. Therefore, the likelihood of landing-page hitting the first page of Google search is 53 times higher thanks to the placement of the video. At the same time, the conversion increases by 80%. A video helps to increase the number of organic conversions to the site if it is posted on one of the social networks.
To sum up
Video content allows you to more effectively influence consumers, which is especially beneficial with the growth of loyal mobile users. The fact that video is better than text should not be ignored. But it’s always individual choice of text or video.