In the world of Final Fantasy 14, there are many types of currencies with different purposes, difficulty of extraction and different directions – some types of coins are only available with the event and are used in limited situations. The financial situation of the player can be viewed in the Currency section of the character information menu.
Types of currency:
- Giles
- Grand Company Seals
- Ventures
- Manderville Gold Saucer Points
- Allagan Tomestones
- Wolf Marks
- Sack of Nuts, Centurio Seal и Allied Seal

Gila is the main and most important currency in the world of Final Fantasy 14. It is used to purchase and sell various equipment and equipment between players, to pay for equipment repairs and teleport services.
Giles can be obtained in two ways:
- Buying FF currency 14
- Farm and other activities

Buying FF currency 14
To replenish your game wallet in FF 14 you need to follow the link to buy ffxiv gil.
You must select the number of gils that you want to buy and pay for the order, or leave a request and wait for a response from the manager. The average response time is 2 minutes.
After payment for the order, the time and method of receiving paid gils are agreed. The time convenient for the client is always taken into account and all precautions are taken to avoid gambling sanctions. The deal is disguised as a regular exchange between players, so the administration will not have a reason to react to the exchange as an action for which gaming sanctions are expected.
The order is executed at the agreed time with the ability to track the status of execution in real time.
Farm and other activities
Giles are the main currency that the player will receive by completing story quests and side quests.
By completing daily tasks and passing dungeons, the player’s wallet will be replenished with gils, and you can track your condition in the Currency tab.
Grand Company Seals
Great Company merchants offer a variety of costumes, mounts, and equipment for completing Escadron quests.
The player chooses one of the companies and completes tasks that will bring promotion to the Escadron rank and replenish the player’s wallet with seals. You should not bother much with the choice of a company – they are all approximately the same and differ mainly in the location of the headquarters. In addition, you can always change the company by paying a fine of 50 thousand seals.
Ventura is a special currency that can be mined by servants hired by you and sent on personal assignments.
Hiring a servant will become available after the story mission – “The Scions of the Seventh Dawn”. After that, you can proceed to the passage of the task “An Ill-conceived Venture”. It is issued in the city in which you started playing. In total, you can get two free servants and five more can be hired.
Ventura are spent at the Grand Seals Captain.
Manderville Gold Saucer Points
This is a special currency for gamblers and casino lovers. To get it, you need to exchange your gils for MGP.
Coins can be used to buy cosmetic items, ride and participate in various events inside the casino.
Allagan Tomestones
This currency becomes relevant closer to character level 90 and is obtained for all types of high-level activity. Raids, activities.
There are three types of currency:
Allagan Tomestones of Poetics is an obsolete currency from past updates in FF 14 and exists solely to replenish in-game inventories with items and equipment that were not previously received for various reasons.
Actual Tomestones are coins that become relevant in anticipation of the release of the update. They allow players to buy and try out equipment and weapons before the official release, but you can get no more than 900 of these coins. After the release of the update, such coins lose their relevance and become obsolete.
Irrelevant Tomestones are coins that have lost their relevance with the release of the update, and they remain with the players to buy outdated equipment and the ability to craft items from the last update.
Wolf Marks
Wolf Marks is a special currency that is obtained for all types of PVP activities and serves as a source of cosmetic items.
Sack of Nuts, Centurio Seal and Allied Seal
Three types of currency that are issued to the player for completing hunting orders. These are special tasks that ask the player to destroy certain difficult and powerful monsters and reward him with one of three types of coins for success.
Coins can be exchanged for Venturas, travel tickets, and special gear.