One day, we came across an interesting website that offers a comprehensive solution. It is essential not only to translate the site pages or user interface. Software localization is a broader concept that includes a comprehensive approach and adaptation to different countries’ linguistic and cultural requirements.
Let’s study the topic in more detail so that readers can understand how suitable and necessary the service is for you.
Software Localization: What Is It
We visited the website of specialists who deal with this issue. The point is that often, to successfully conduct business abroad, it is not enough to translate the site. It is necessary to take into account the cultural characteristics of the country and the tone of the narrative. Also, if there is an IT development with an admin panel, it is important to make its functionality understandable.
Let’s find out what Rapid Translate offers for high-quality software localization.
Technical Documentation
Specialists will translate all files for your employees to remove communication barriers and speed up the work.
User Manual
A qualified translator should describe all the steps in the instructions for your clients. The speech should be professional and accessible. This way, you can reduce the number of technical support requests. After all, people will receive a document they can read in their language.
User Interface Text
It’s also a customer-focused question. Your clients will use it without barriers and will not need to refer to the instructions every time.
Installation Manual
Almost any IT development needs to be launched. To do this, describing all actions for your client is worthwhile.
Software Localization for a Website.
Your number one task is to make pages as accessible as possible. Clients will be more willing to cooperate if they see that the company is focused on productive work and has done everything possible so that the potential audience can easily get acquainted with the services.
In many situations, you cannot do without such an improvement for your business. Let’s consider what benefits you will get from innovations.
Advantages of Software Localization from Rapid Translate
The company has been operating in the market for a long time and has experience in various fields. In addition to a vast number of translators among native speakers of more than 15 languages, you can also take advantage of the following benefits:
● Additional services for translating documentation.
● Multi-level quality control option. Stylistics, cultural components and features of different countries, correctness of work – this is not a complete list. You can be sure that quality is above all.
● Openness to improvements. After the project is delivered to the client, you can return to some issues and correct the result. Rapid Translate is generally open to communication and ready to provide any assistance for the perfect result. They offer a lot of services that will be interesting to your business. That is why Rapid Translate values its customers so much and competently builds long-term partnerships.
● A personal manager who works with your project. The specialist will monitor the deadlines and help and advise at each stage. You will also develop a plan and scope of work together.
● Data security. The company does not work with unscrupulous freelancers who can receive essential business data. All specialists sign a non-disclosure agreement. We especially liked this point. It is necessary for both the translation of personal documents and b2b cooperation.
An important point is experience. According to the reviews we found by rummaging through the Internet, the agency receives requests for different types of tasks every day. Knowledge of IT terminology is essential for competent software localization. It is good that the company works with highly specialized specialists who can cope with the task at hand.
Three Steps of the Software Localization Process
First, when starting cooperation with Rapid Translate, it is worth studying the features of your software. What does a specialist do at this stage:
● Study the nuances and volume of documentation.
● Identify needs and problems.
● Propose solutions.
In the first step, you actively interact with a manager who will help you figure everything out. It is extremely important to have a separate specialist who will supervise your project.
Secondly, it is essential to do everything correctly. The second step is the software localization process itself, where the company uses a native speaker of the required language who has experience in your field. The translator reads the source materials and makes a competent translation. The customer can communicate with a personal manager and make adjustments.
It is noteworthy that Rapid Translate provides services specifically from a native speaker. Additional experience in the IT sphere allows you to get a readable and well-written document or a new language version for your admin panel.
Thirdly, Rapid Translate does not give you the project immediately after the translator’s work is completed. Multi-level checks begin. Editors proofread the texts again. You also need to check the data from the original document and see if everything is correctly specified in the final version. Some minor errors in the instructions can create a negative experience for your clients because a person cannot install the program. That is why control and editing are so important.
As a result, you get a fully functioning version and expand your business’s boundaries. People are more willing to start using your web development because it is more understandable. Native language is one more plus and people start to trust you more.