You need to put a lot of time and effort when it comes to building your character in Mortal Online 2. When you choose a race in the game, you have to keep various factors in mind, such as skill boosts, abilities, powers, looks, etc. Compared to other multiplayer games, Mortal Online 2 is very different in terms of race. There is no restriction on attacking and looting other players making it a very dangerous situation for beginners. With Mortal Online 2 Gold, you can purchase potions, armor, weapons, and other stuff. In this article, some important details about races in Mortal Online 2 are provided to help you finalize your race.
Mortal Online 2 – Clades

For now, Mortal Online 2 features four different clades, and you have to choose the desired clade first before finalizing your race. Each clade is further divided into races. Below are more details about clades.
Humans are jack-of-all-clades who can get everything done in the game. They don’t master anything at all. It is the biggest clade in the game. There are five races in the Human clade:
- Sidoain
- Khurite
- Sarducaan
- Tindremene
- Kallard
Compared to Oghmirs and humans, Alvarins feature better dex, but their strength and intelligence are low. They take fifty percent less damage from falls. Their stamina is very high, which enables them to swim and run for a long time. The stamina regaining speed Alvarins is very good. Use them with bows, as they have a twenty-strength bonus.
- Veela
- Sheevra
Members of the Oghmir clade are very strong and intelligent. On the battlefield, they are very worthy, but they aren’t capable of doing anything else. They self-heal in a fight with the help of ichor.
- Blainn
- Heurgar
Thursars are a hybrid of risers and humans, and they are very strong and dex rich. They deal damage to enemies with melee attacks. For maximum benefit, you should play Thursars as cavalry or foot-fighters only.
- Thursar-Kallard
- Thursar-Tinremene
Mortal Online 2 – Classes

Sidonians have the second highest intelligence coming second after Oghmir, who have the highest intelligence. In terms of strength, they are pretty good, but they have low dexterity. They can take the role of battle mage, mage, and mounted hybrids.
Khurites are very fast and have some pretty good strength. If you are a new player, avoid Khurite at all costs and instead opt for Kallards as the only minor difference between these two races in their speed.
Sarduccans have the highest total attributes in Mortal Online 2, but their small size makes them unpopular. Along with the size, their strength isn’t very good. They are the perfect choice for all the magic-based builds.
Tindremenes have less constitution, but their size and strength make up for all those drawbacks. If you want more attribute points for your builds to deal physical damage to enemies, Tindremenes are your best option. They also work pretty well as a hybrid battle mage.
Kallards are the size of a human, but they have the strength of Vikings. Both the attribute total and intelligence of Kallards are pretty low. They are very good fighters, especially when on foot.
Between the two Alvarins, Veela has more speed and strength. They are very good archers and can-do wonders with a bow. They can take on any targets that are fleeing from the battlefield, as well as use melee abilities to flank enemies.
Sheevra has less speed, but their high intelligence fills the gap. Their attribute cap is slightly high above Veela. For lovers of kite-and-harass gameplay, Sheevra is a very good option because she is a dex mage.
Blainn is a pretty big Oghmirs with more constitutions. They are the first choice of players who want to play tank or foot soldiers.
Huergar is a pretty good archer with strength and intelligence. They are a combination of mages, but players can use them as melee fighters as well.
Kallards are born human, but Thursar boosts up their overall strength. They come up with some pretty good attribute points to help players in maxing out their physical attributes. They are weak against mage enemies due to their size and psyche.
Thursar – Tinremenes have less physical power compared to Thursar – Kallards, but their overall attribute total is still high. You can add a tinremene to your build for some extra psyche points.
Mortal Online 2 – Attribute Points

Attribute points decide the strength of your character. Below are all the attribute points, along with detailed information about them. This is very crucial for making your character powerful.
Size matters for cavalry and foot fighters in most cases. To maximize the size of an average build, you need twenty points. As you increase the size of your character, his health, as well as maximum carry weight capacity, will also increase.
For melee characters, strength is very important as they have to use the weapon to deal damage. In Mortal Online 2, there is a strong requirement that you have to meet if you want to use a specific weapon. Strength is also required for archers as they have to use a bow.
If you have a foot-based character, work on getting your dexterity to the max. Dexterity is all about the speed of your character. If you have a mounted build, there is no need to waste points on dexterity; otherwise, it is the need for time. Dexterity provides players with both strength and stamina.
Constitution is the health stat that raises stamina at more speed compared to both dexterity and strength. It is a jack-of-all kind of attribute as it increases the strength of the armor and helps you in carrying more weight.
For spells, the intelligence attribute is used to increase their damage.
Psyche is a mana stat and acts as a magic resistant. Psyche attribute and magic resistance are connected with each other. MMOpixel helps you with in-game currencies and items of various MMORPGs and other popular games.