Online maestro Matt Tommy has worked for and in partnership with many of the industry’s big hitters on his mercurial journey of success. Each evolutionary step on his rapid upward pathway has taught him many life lessons which he has duly implemented into his unique marketing agency programs as he continually brings new innovative systems and programs to further propel his clients forward. Tommy’s acclaimed winning formulas already provide his many clients online ‘offers’ to surpass the 6-7+ figure mark in recurring monthly revenue. So, it should come as no surprise that he is much sought after by industry big hitters and new start-ups alike.
In this article Matt Tommy shares his insights into how implementing a recurring monthly revenue stream is vital to the successful longevity of any online enterprise. These valuable lessons have been learned in the trenches, with real-life experiences that he and his team at Subfliq have encountered. So, if you want to save yourself time and less bloody knees from financial trials and errors then read on.
There are many methods to gaining an online presence in promoting social positioning Matt Tommy states; for many the first port of call is YouTube AdSense, a good first step, but what is that old saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? Here is your answer right off the bat, practice Diversification. You wouldn’t put all your monies into one financial asset would you? What happens if it floundered? You would be up the creek without a paddle. That same principle of risk management applies to your online business ‘offer’ too. Therefore diversify in as many types of online platforms as possible, there lies the key to success and longevity. Remember that your online business ‘offer’ is your nest- egg too.
Tommy goes on to mention that there is indeed a much more secure and easier route to follow, and that is align yourself with a proven experienced team that can easily convert your online ‘offer’ into a recurring monthly income subscription model – something that Matt Tommy and his cohorts at Subfliq are already expertly providing to existing clients – “Hello, Subfliq, can I speak to Matt Tommy …”
The key to achieving a successful recurring monthly subscription model is in having your own personal brand for sharing your online ‘offer’. Matt Tommy found this out very early in his online career that personal brand positioning was paramount to truly evolving his business – right there and then his own brand business was born. The benefits in self- branding your own recurring monthly revenue model include:
- Instantly provides higher profit margins
- Gives personal control over business ‘offer’
- Greater audience retention + larger customer base
- Portability to easily move to other platforms as needed
As someone who has been successfully providing industry big-hitters with stellar recurring 6/7 figure monthly revenue stream platforms the same opportunity could also be in your hands too by reaching out to Matt Tommy, as he is certainly an online authority worth connecting with.
For more information you can reach Matt Tommy here