Here at Verity Locksmith, we’ve set up a 24-hour emergency helpline. That is because the key disaster can strike at any time of day or night. No one is prepared to get locked outside, and at night-time, it’s even worse. Indeed, it can be a nightmare-inducing scenario. But with our expert locksmith services just a call away, you won’t wait long.

Chiefly, here are some hints to get back inside. Obviously, if you have a set of keys hidden outside, now is the time to use them. Firstly, you should look for any open windows or doors for an easy way back inside. If that’s a no-go, you can try removing the handle from the lock with a screwdriver. But make sure to be careful, as otherwise, you might damage the lock. Finally, if all else fails, you can get in touch with our always-on locksmith services helpline.
Verity Locksmith experts provide the best local locksmith services in Brooklyn Heights, NY. We are the all-in-one locksmith services solution you need. Now, if you follow us, you’ll know we’re passionate about security and safety. Nothing is more important to us. That is why whenever we respond to a lockout, we make sure to verify the person’s identity. Our expert team will ask for proof of authorization to enter the premises. Otherwise, we will contact the Brooklyn Heights, NY police if something seems fishy. That is to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
The Best And Reliable Auto Locksmith Experts Around
If you click here to visit our website, you’ll see we have been in business for many years now, providing premium auto locksmith services. The Verity Locksmith expert crew constantly trains and stays up to date with the latest tech news. Naturally, this includes modern cars and all their keys. Although they are safer than ever, having more keys means more potential issues.
Particularly the key fob and transponder key are delicate pieces of equipment. But luckily for you, our auto locksmith services have the tools and know-how to fix them all. So, whether it’s the ignition key that’s broken or stuck in the ignition or key fob or transponder key is acting up or glitching out. We can repair, replace or reprogram them with no problem!
Generally, you’d have to go through a dealership to resolve these issues, which involves much hassle and high prices. But here at Verity Locksmith, we promise the best hassle-free locksmith services at affordable prices!

Tailor-Made Security Upgrade Plans A Call Away
Another common reason people contact us is that they want to improve their home or business security. If you follow us on twitter, you’ll know we are always looking to help improve our clients’ satisfaction. That is why if you click here and visit our website, you can book a security assessment today!
Once you contact us, we will go to the address and check out your setup. Based on your needs and budget, we’ll develop an improved plan for you. Generally, for doors, it means installing mortise and deadbolt locks. They provide suitable security, which is not easily bypassed, and are simple to service and maintain.
Another security option is installing a safe or vault. Naturally, this is a given for many businesses. As keeping certain items protected is vitally important. Likewise, there are many homeowners with essential documents or heirlooms they wish to protect as well.
So, the installation of personal safes and vaults has become commonplace. We have the experience and know-how, so call the Brooklyn Heights, NY experts and upgrade your peace of mind!
Verity Locksmith
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Phone: 347-896-0370