Deepen your engagements with patients and providers by using the LifeGraph® Network to unify your essential systems and build dynamic, trusted profiles. Discover more from BurstIQ:

If you work in the pharma industry, you’re likely looking to evolve your business by utilizing smart data. Smart data provides both better security and greater context as compared to traditional data models, allowing companies to comply with evolving regulatory requirements, connect and collaborate more easily and capture greater business value from their data. Blockchain technology is playing a large role in enabling the next generation of smart data management, but the degree to which blockchain adds value depends heavily on how it is implemented. That’s where BurstIQ comes in.
BurstIQ combines smart data, blockchain and AI to build LifeGraphs®: dynamic, trusted profiles of people, places and things. LifeGraphs® connect to each other through person-centric smart data networks called LifeGraph® Networks. A LifeGraph® Network allows you to bring together data from your service providers, consumer-facing digital therapeutic and other IoT devices, marketing channels, and even external partner sources, and apply intelligence across all profiles and data sources to increase engagement with your patients and providers.
LifeGraphs® drive value for your business
Connect & Elevate your Essential Systems
One of the main advantages associated with utilizing LifeGraphs® is that you’ll have the ability to connect all of your essential systems together. All of your systems and services data can be coordinated by using a single API, so that you can streamline consent and governance.
Personalize Engagements to Reduce Acquisition Costs
Employ LifeGraphs® to move your processes from a channel-centric strategy to a person-centric strategy. Understanding potential customers allows you to engage them in the most meaningful way possible in order to acquire their trust and their business.
Optimize Interactions
Utilize LifeGraphs® to develop a standardized communication channel that best fits client demands. Deploy these functions in the system to communicate with patients and providers, schedule treatments and appointments and follow-up on post-treatment care.
Support Adherence & Boost Retention
Use LifeGraphs® to get a better understanding of the health and behavior of your customers, enabling you to support and engage with your patients and providers at a deeper level during all steps of their treatment journey.
Community Connections & Brand Loyalty
LifeGraphs® give you the ability to create a peer-to-peer community that will cultivate customer connections that are meaningful and help boost brand loyalty. This is more important today than ever before when you consider the difficulties of the past 12 months.
Contact BurstIQ today to discover how LifeGraphs® can support the future of your business.