One prime challenge in localization is language. When a company expands into a foreign region, language can always be an obstacle to overcome, even digitally. In such instances, you would need to rely on experts, and now, thanks to technology, business tools such as a Translation Business Management System.
In this article, we will cover everything that you need to know about this business tool, starting from what it is, how it can be useful to you, and things you need to consider to decide on the best Translation Business Management System for your needs.
Understanding A Translation Business Management System
Translation Business Management System is the software that assists in the localizing and translating processes of a company. Through it, one can easily manage the localized workflow, include automation to eliminate manual tasks, and help track the progress of translation assignments.
Though it was initially made for linguists, the development and evolution of the system have now enabled it to be a powerful business tool that can be specialized for specific cases. The three main areas for specialization are:
- Tools for Workflow Automation
- Tools for Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT)
- Project/Team Reporting and Management
Key Factors For Choosing A Translation Business Management System
Now that you understand what a Translation Business Management System is, we will now shift our focus on how to make a decision when it comes to choosing one. However, do keep in mind that no system out there can help meet all your requirements. But, the right system can definitely make things easier for you. Hence, keep these factors in consideration when you make a decision.
Understanding Your Needs
The first thing to consider while making a decision is the needs of your business and team. When you chart your business and team needs down, you get a clear idea of what type of Translation Business Management System you are looking for or what features you are specifically looking for.
Determining The Quality Factor
Lastly, the one thing that you need to consider is how the system will help you increase the quality of your translations and the content that you publish. While some companies are fine with getting the bare minimum, other companies focus hard on getting it right to ensure that the result is perfect and up to the mark. Your system should be able to help you do that. So, ensure that your system has the following features:
- In-built QA checks
- Integration abilities with design systems
- Plenty of features that support visual context
Free Version or Enterprise Version
Lastly, the thing to consider the most is whether you should go for a free version or the enterprise version. Free versions are most appropriate for a freelancer, but if you are a full-fledged company, it is always better to go for the enterprise version.
Though, it is always better to do a free trial before you make the final jump. A free trial will give you a fair idea of the workings of the system, what meets your expectations and what does not, and how well suited it is to your needs.