Fans of the beloved animated series, Hotel Transylvania, have reason to celebrate. The latest installment, “Hotel Transylvania: Transformania,” is now available on DVD and Blu-ray. For those who want to dive deeper into the monster-filled universe, Sony has also released a special DVD collection featuring all four films in the franchise. This is the perfect opportunity to relive the adventures of Dracula and his quirky monster friends, or to introduce the fun to a new generation.
Hotel Transylvania Transformania: What to Expect
“Hotel Transylvania: Transformania” marks the fourth and final installment of the franchise. Directed by Derek Drymon and Jennifer Kluska, the film follows the hilarious chaos that ensues when a mysterious invention turns Drac and his monster pals into humans, while Johnny becomes a monster. This role-reversal premise promises laughs and teaches valuable lessons about embracing one’s true self.
With its vibrant animation, engaging storyline, and a star-studded voice cast featuring the likes of Andy Samberg and Selena Gomez, “Transformania” is a delightful addition to the series. Whether you’re a longtime fan or a newcomer to the Hotel Transylvania universe, this film is bound to entertain the whole family.
Complete Franchise Collection
For those looking to own the entire series, Sony’s complete DVD collection is the perfect choice. This special set includes all four films: “Hotel Transylvania,” “Hotel Transylvania 2,” “Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation,” and the latest “Hotel Transylvania: Transformania.”
Hotel Transylvania To DVD: Why Own the Complete Collection?
- Comprehensive Experience: Owning all four movies allows fans to enjoy the full narrative arc, from the introduction of Dracula’s hotel to the transformative adventures in the latest release.
- Family Entertainment: With humor and heart, the Hotel Transylvania series is ideal for family movie nights, offering a blend of comedy, adventure, and valuable life lessons.
- Bonus Features: The collection includes entertaining bonus features, providing insights into the making of the films and behind-the-scenes content that fans will love.
How to Purchase
The “Hotel Transylvania: Transformania” and the complete DVD collection are available now from major retailers and online platforms. With a range of purchasing options, including DVD, Blu-ray, and digital formats, fans can choose the version that best suits their viewing preferences.
In conclusion, whether you’re looking to complete your collection or just starting your journey into the world of Hotel Transylvania, these new releases from Sony offer something for everyone. Experience the magic, humor, and heart of Dracula’s monstrous hotel today.