Author: Cristina Macias

Cristina Macias is a 25-year-old writer who enjoys reading, writing, Rubix cube, and listening to the radio. She is inspiring and smart, but can also be a bit lazy.

Garlic is one of the world’s most popular ingredients. Eaten since the time of the Ancient Egyptians and the Greeks, garlic has long been a cultural and historic favourite, and has been used both for its believed mystical properties, as well as its unique and powerful flavour. Today, much of the mysticism surrounding garlic has been stripped away by science and research, and we now know that garlic is among the healthiest foods around, offering a wide range of benefits, as we will explore here. Garlic Lowers Cholesterol Studies have found that consuming garlic regularly has the ability to lower…

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The global lockdowns have forced many of us to remain at home for months on end, and we can no longer go out and socialise with our friends, check out a move, or walk through the park. Fortunately, we live in an age where most of us have access to high-speed internet, and with that comes an almost limitless world of gaming. Online games have risen in popularity over the last few years, becoming a truly dominant sector within the gaming industry. Here we will look at some of the most popular online games currently on the market any why…

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You want to choose a new internet operator, and you are not sure which one to choose. You cannot make a wise choice. First of all, you want to have the best quality of service. Secondly, it would be interesting for you to have all this at a reasonable price. Discover in this article some criteria that will help you make the right choice of internet box. An internet box, what is it? The internet box is a box that your internet provider gives you. This box generally provides you with three different services. We speak in this case of Triply. Indeed, a box gives you…

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In this faced paced era, social media has spread like wildfire. Almost every second person on the plant has access to the internet via their smartphone or a computer. Besides, social media is not only limited to entertainment and news. Social media platforms are responsible for generating billions of dollars in revenue. And a big chunk of that revenue is earned via YouTube. YouTube is one of the most established platforms where you can go from zero to hero in a matter of days. But, how do I get my channel to reach new heights? How do I get more…

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Nowadays, Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms that receive around 1 billion monthly active users. This means that if you want an online career, this is the platform you should invest in. However, getting successful on Instagram and collaborating with brands takes a lot of time and effort. If you manage to get verified on Instagram, then this process is going to be a lot easier for you. The blue badge of Instagram verification guaranteed the quality and uniqueness of your account. For this reason, many influencers are trying to learn how to get verified on Instagram.…

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A new virus was discovered in the Wuhan province of China in late 2019. Millions of people have been affected by this virus till now. The proof so far shows that the infection is spread from individual to individual through little respiratory droplets, at the point when an individual coughs or sneezes, these droplets can likewise arrive on close-by surfaces. There is also proof that the COVID-19 infection can keep going on surfaces – particularly plastic or metal – for as long as three days. Symptoms for COVID-19 include dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath. But COVID and upset…

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Restored phones are cherished on the grounds that they are less expensive and thusly substantially more reasonable contrasted with their fresh out of the plastic new partners. These are refurbished phone that have had past proprietors, however they have been kept up once more by the maker improving their quality and preparing them for the market once more. Aside from the way that the refurbished phones set aside cash in light of their reasonable costs, they have various different favourable circumstances that make them well known. The revamped phones accompany new parts thinking about that their pain points have been…

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How many followers you think are enough for your Twitter profile? There’s probably no number to it because the more followers you have the more leads you can convert and reach new people. But attracting people to follow you isn’t simple. Had it been easy, everyone would have millions of followers chilling in the profile. If you’re struggling for new followers or just starting out, then this article is for you. Today, you’ll learn 4 hacks to get millions of Twitter followers. Let’s dive right in… Consider you Twitter as your business The first step to more followers is to…

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Growing your account on Instagram is no longer as easy as it once was. Back in the day, we could all simply buy a few thousand likes or followers and the algorithm would recognise our account as being popular and push it in front of every user that was willing to look at it. Whilst we may be pining for simpler times, there are still ways that you can work with the algorithm to your advantage and increase your reach. Follower-to-Engagement Ratio Think of the follower to engagement ratio as the key to all on Instagram. Remember we said that…

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For what purpose we listen to songs? Can you clarify this? Many people will be answered about the song that will increase our mood or change our mood for betterment. But there are many purposes that many peoples are listening for their satisfaction, mind set up, and many more. Just for review, many songs will help you to change your mood, and the song category name is an inspirational song. Now I let you know about Telugu inspirational songs in the article, which boost your motivation for sure. So keep your eyes on this page to get more. 1. Dhruva…

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