Author: Cristina Macias

Cristina Macias is a 25-year-old writer who enjoys reading, writing, Rubix cube, and listening to the radio. She is inspiring and smart, but can also be a bit lazy.

An instinctive contractor got a bad feeling during the night. He drove to the facility where his friend had hired him. His friend the general manager, detected that high value equipment was being stolen. The inventory controls weren’t perfect but they were in fact having losses. The contractor was hired as a maintenance worker but actually was in an under-cover role. His role was to observe the surroundings and track the sensitive equipment. The facility had been closed for several hours when the contractor arrived. The contractor stared through the glass door entrance and looked specifically at the alarm keypad.…

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Since their creation, e-bikes have been getting bigger and better by the year, with one of the latest trends being hub motor e-bikes. While many different e-bike technologies are available, hub motors are becoming increasingly popular due to their advantages over other kinds of e-bike motors, including less maintenance and greater torque at lower speeds. This article will break down hub motor electric bikes and why they’re better than ever. What is an E-Bike? An e-bike is a type of pedal-assisted electric bike that operates under two styles of drive control: throttle and pedelec. Throttle bikes are what you’re used to seeing…

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Being charged with a criminal offense may feel like a dead end. But law always permits you to defend and justify your side. Dealing with criminal charges can cause high inconvenience and stress. At such a time, having a proficient attorney can ease out the process for you. You need a lawyer who will get you out of the case, be unbiased, and look in for your best interest. Firms like Lento Law Firm offer their clients the best solution.  Your success largely relies on your attorney. Therefore, having the right attorney by your side is paramount. Here are listed…

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Clients and technology are two of the most crucial components of a business. When you have regular customers, you can be assured of making sales and generating enough revenue. While on the other hand, technology helps you operate effectively to increase your workforce’s productivity. With that in mind, when you use the right technology and give your customers a good experience, you can generate more returns. One way to combine clients and technology for a successful business transaction is to utilize tech solutions to keep your customers engaged. This is important because customer engagement creates and helps nourish a better…

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Introduction Fuel costs management is a complex process, more so when you take into account the consequences and risks of fuel fraud. Fuel fraud is, unfortunately, a fact of life we cannot run away from. Also, it is costly to businesses, which is why you need to know how to spot and stop it. The things you should be scrutinizing closely include: Is the amount of fuel indicated on the receipt higher than the maximum capacity of the vehicle’s tank?Do mileage figures that the drivers provide tally with odometer readingsHave the drivers bought the right fuel type? If you note…

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Being a business professional is more difficult than ever. The competition and pressures that you deal with on a daily basis have never been greater. Your boss is demanding because anything less than your best effort puts your company behind. Hope isn’t a strategy and you need a plan. Thankfully using the best CBD products can help you gain an edge in your professional life because of the many benefits that CBD offers. If you are reading this article then you already have a leg up because you actually care and take pride in your job. You are probably good…

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Micro-investing has become an extremely popular way for Australians to enter into their first investment, and for good reason. Micro investing doesn’t require a lot of money, the returns historically have outperformed the interest given by banks, and the fees are very low when compared to other investment mediums. There are many micro investing platforms in Australia, each suited for a different purpose, we won’t compare them here, but will give an overview on the best suited app depending on what you’re looking to invest in. Below are the best micro investing apps for every category in Australia for 2022.…

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So you’ve got a team of software developers. Maybe you’re a brand-new leader full of hopeful ambition, or perhaps this isn’t your first rodeo. Either way, your team’s productivity is top of mind. The group is already working on several apps, but plenty more projects will be coming down the pike. Unfortunately, productivity loss can creep in at the individual contributor or team levels, and it’s up to leaders to figure out why. While bringing more developers on board might seem like an easy fix, this usually only heightens existing problems. Additional team members mean more people will find themselves…

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Video games and high difficulty levels are no strangers to one another. Early video games had no difficulty scaling, creative modes, or simplified environments. Finishing a game was meant to be an achievement. A lot of popular games today have taken a different approach to difficulty levels, offering easier modes for a more story driven experience and more difficult modes meant to challenge. The main goal behind games getting easier is that everybody can enjoy the game, you don’t need to be skillful to be able to reach the conclusion of a story. This is overall a great move, allowing…

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Thanks to Bill Gates and his team, Microsoft is the single biggest computer operating system supplier in the world, with more than 75% of all computers running on some form of windows. To date, Windows 10 stands as the benchmark of a great operating system, recapturing the efficiency and easy that could be found in Windows 7 and XP before. Windows is a true jack of all trades, supplying a great foundation for virtually anybody to do anything they could want with their computer. What Is Bloatware Bloatware at its core is software that is of little use to a…

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