Author: Cristina Macias

Cristina Macias is a 25-year-old writer who enjoys reading, writing, Rubix cube, and listening to the radio. She is inspiring and smart, but can also be a bit lazy.

Cannabis is in the middle of a transformation in perception. The plant that was demonized for decades by politicians has enjoyed widespread acceptance as a crucial form of treatment for various health conditions. Medical cannabis may or may not be suitable for you, and only a healthcare practitioner can authorize its use. But read on to get a sense of how many different conditions cannabis can help treat. PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that causes a series of problems, such as nightmares, panic attacks, hypervigilance, detachment from others, self-destructive behaviour, and overwhelming emotions. Tragically, these symptoms…

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Auth Lab focuses on blockchain solutions consulting, development, and provides blockchain IT services including security auditing, operational testing, etc. The development team of Auth Lab has been working in the crypto space with years of experience. The team has gathered blockchain experts and enthusiasts around the world and provided services to major airports, banks, large organizations, and businesses; has provided hundreds of solutions for various businesses covering agriculture, greening, financial, transporting, traveling, manufacturing, retail sales, construction industry, and real estate, medication, contract management, banking, food-producing, etc. Self-developed oracle tools, private chains, wallets, exchanges, and crypto infrastructures also promote the adoption…

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Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) has become a necessity for businesses running an online website. It is an important protocol for securing and authenticating the data of users on the internet. Back in the day, SSL was regarded as a luxury only the rich could have. Not anymore as SSL packages now come cheap for people to get. This made it easy to small business owners to put their online as well as protect their potential and regular customers from third party scams. In this article from, we will be listing out few important reasons why you should consider using…

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In the US, around 52% of personal injury cases arise from motor vehicle accidents. About 39% of these cases are unsuccessful and a considerable number of them end up with an unsatisfactory settlement. The reason for that? Not having the right personal injury lawyer. If you’re wondering what makes an excellent accidents lawyer, here’s a look into the essential traits one should possess: 1. Empathy A lawyer that is sensitive to your suffering can better understand the motivation behind your actions and therefore figure out the best way of communicating the important matters with you. This is a skill that,…

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A sister was desperate to find a missing family member. When the private investigator took the call one of the first things the sister said was, “We know his social security number and date of birth but we’ve been unable to find him. Someone like you should have no problem.” Her brother had disappeared a couple of years prior. He actually moved away on his own without telling anyone. The family was genuinely concerned for his well-being. Typically, after receiving such a call, exploratory questioning begins. We may perform some cursory work just to see how difficult the task will…

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Mobile technology has changed society’s perspective on technology as a whole. However, the various advancements in this field may be difficult to keep up with. Thanks to modern innovations, we can contain an entire casino’s worth of games in a small gadget like a smartphone or tablet. Punters can now play their favourite slots on the go, whilst still enjoying all the features that you would usually enjoy on a desktop. We can see the advancement of online casinos in the weekly and even daily changes implemented to create the perfect atmosphere for punters. Look at any online casino in…

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Do you want to alter your appearance? If yes, plastic surgery should do the trick. There are different types of plastic surgery, and the one you opt for will be dependent on your needs. Here, we’ll focus on a facelift. When should you undergo a facelift? A facelift is a surgical procedure that can minimize the effects of aging on the face. It is mostly intended for people who are in their 40s and beyond. The most obvious reason for this is it would be difficult to convince someone that you are in your 20s or 30s when you’re actually…

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Your life can take a turn in a heartbeat. A facial injury can occur through an attack, sports injury, or a car accident. It is a harrowing experience as the face is one of the body’s most prominent features. You may cower in shame because of your scars. However, plastic surgery offers you a way back to normalcy. Facial trauma involves a whole lot of injuries. Some accidents cause trivial injuries, while others leave broken and large wounds on your face. No matter the extent of the damage, facial plastic surgeons can help to repair the scars. The process involves…

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Introduction The introduction of the innovative 9G Tronic automatic transmission, which replaced the 7G Tronic system, featured lots of vital improvements. The later model is not only more fuel-efficient, but it also has smoothly shifted gears. But this gear consists of intricate parts that make it incredibly complex. You don’t want the gear breaking down because it can be pretty expensive to repair. Fortunately, there are several maintenance tips to ensure your gearbox does not break down and leads to expensive repairs. In this article, we share with you proven tips to keep your gearbox in good order and give…

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Beta-Alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in muscles and other tissues in the body. It is used by the body to produce carnosine, which is a compound that helps to buffer acid in the muscles. This can help to improve endurance and performance during exercise. The big question is, what does beta-alanine do? Beta-Alanine can also be used as a dietary supplement to help increase muscle mass and strength. It is often taken in combination with creatine monohydrate, another popular supplement for athletes. There is some evidence that beta-alanine may also help to increase fat loss, although more…

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