Author: Cristina Macias

Cristina Macias is a 25-year-old writer who enjoys reading, writing, Rubix cube, and listening to the radio. She is inspiring and smart, but can also be a bit lazy.

Shivam Arora, CPA, is an expert data scientist with dual Master’s degrees in Accounting and Business Analytics, and this combination has come to define the most innovative aspects of his career. Arora is an applied Artificial Intelligence consultant who specializes in applied AI for accounting and finance. He’s currently working with a global consulting firm, managing the reporting analytics workstream and overseeing the development of ancillary data layers. Most importantly, Arora has earned a great deal of notoriety by being one of very few people who apply data science expertise and methods to the typically business-minded fields of accounting and…

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The adoption of digital business cards has wildly accelerated in recent years. They are a more sustainable, budget-friendly and easy alternative to the traditional paper business cards. And with the pandemic happening and in-person events getting canceled, more professionals jumped on the digital card bandwagon. Digital cards are easy to create, update and share. And you can easily do all of that with a few clicks on your phone or computer. You don’t need any special design skills, and you can share your information even at online events. But, if you’re just learning about the benefits of digital cards and…

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While the risk of losing your money is always there, the fact is that online gambling is growing. It is expected that the global market is going to reach $565 billion by 2025, with the online segment accounting for about $30 billion. By comparison, total casino revenues in the United States were approximately $38 billion in 2014, according to Statistic – and that number may not account for illegal operations, which would make it significantly higher. So, while it’s true that you could lose your shirt playing poker or betting on sports games online (or just watching them), there are…

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Medical Marijuana consumption can be done in varied forms. However, edibles are the yummiest forms of consumption that can be consumed in the form of delicious gummies, shakes, recipes made of canna flour, and many more. But what would be the right time to consume these? Is it before meals, that is, an empty stomach or a full stomach? In what way will these be effective in producing the desired effect? If you are also looking for an answer to the same, My MMJ Doctor has brought all the answers concerning it. Let us get acquainted with everything you need…

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After years of planning and saving, you opened your first small business! A recent survey found that the United States has about 32.5 million small businesses. So, it’s important to stand out among the crowd. One thing you want to do is boost your online presence by getting on Google Maps. But how do you go about doing that? We put together a quick guide to explain everything you need to know about getting your business on the map. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about it before your potential customers pass you by! Using Google…

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Numerous golf players who travel to Spain get back not having partaken in the outing definitely. Now and again the courses visited have been loaded with golf players and the rounds have assumed control more than six hours. At times the inns have been arranged excessively far away from a town, or they have been excessively uproarious. Frequently the vehicle employ organization utilized has charged such countless secret costs that recruiting a vehicle was simply excessively costly. This multitude of issues, and some more, can kept away from by plan accurately. The most effective method to Choose the Right Area…

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When you have passed your test as a driver, you need to consider the best things that are going to help you improve your driving experience. This means you need to focus on the best ideas that will allow you to improve your life as much as possible. Try to think about some of the key ideas that will help you improve this, and there are so many essential elements of this that are going to help you here. There are so many different things you can do these days to help you improve this process, and you need to…

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For more than a decade now, the Ford ranger, from Ford motors, is quite popular in the range of midsize pickup trucks. So, how to buy Ford Ranger rims? Here are some tips. Positive and negative offset If the spokes are deeper and concaved then the negative offset can cause problems. You can see the inner barrel to be comparatively smaller in that case. Similarly, if the spokes are a bit shallow, then a positive offset is seen. In this case, you will witness the inner barrel to be on the larger side. Technically, there are quite a lot of aspects…

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Hunting for jobs can be stressful and can be more stressful if you have a disability. Persons with a disability get stigmatized when they hunt for jobs. We have carefully outlined effective job search strategies for you if you cannot prevent this. Enjoy! Strategy 1:- Look for Flexible and Remote Jobs When looking for a job, your best bet is to look for remote jobs. Remote jobs offer you the freedom to work from home and work comfortably. Often, remote jobs are gotten via social media platforms. Hence it is important to establish your online digital presence. Further, remote jobs…

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Making music is fun. All those composing, coming up with lyrics. It brings joy and happiness. Wanna know what doesn’t? Promoting your music manually. This action has never been liked or enjoyed by anyone. Spending hours on promotion on Spotify just to get a few extra plays. No one likes that. Why should we use this prehistoric method when there are so many easier options of Spotify promotion? Now, music promotion is a simple action even a child can do. Why should musicians invest time and money into Spotify promotion? Main reason for it is that music streaming services are killing…

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