Part-time or part-time work is a flexible work schedule, which means that the working time is less than full time. This usually means that they will work fewer days a week, and if an employee works less than 30 hours a week, this is usually considered a part-time job.
Part-time workers enjoy the same labor rights as part-time workers in proportion. Read more to learn about part time jobs, their schedules and which 알바퀸 jobs are best suited for part time work.
Who works part time?
Part-time work is very convenient for young parents, students, retirees, people who want to start their own business and need more time, and all other employees who cannot work or do not need a permanent job. Part-time jobs allow employees to spend more time and energy in other activities, so they are ideal for family-oriented people.
Part time jobs schedule
An employee’s part-time program may include:
- 8 hours 3 days a week
- 5 days 4 hours a week
- 10 times a week, two days
- Other time allocation is agreed with the employer / employee.
Where to look when finding part time jobs?
Not all jobs are suitable for part-time work. First of all, based on your preferences and skills, it is wise to choose the type of part-time work that suits you best. Therefore, you need to consider the expected salary and flexibility. Part-time employment can be shift or scheduled. Obviously, more demanding jobs are paid more than other jobs. You also have to keep in mind the timings, whether your daily schedule makes it easier for you to work in a night part time job or daytime suits you the best. Some part time jobs include:
- Working at convenience store
- Working at a restaurant
- Working at a bar/cafe
- Working at a supermarket
- Working as a part time tutor
- Working as a driver
- Working as a nanny
Advantages of part time jobs
- Attract candidates of different professions
- Retain valuable employees who may or may not want to work full time
- Allows employers to cut costs without layoffs
- Allow employers to efficiently cover working hours
- Improving employees’ free time, flexibility and work-life balance
- Increased employee confidence, productivity and commitment
- Reduce absenteeism and tardiness
- Part-time work is also a good starting point for people who want to work part-time now and think they might want to work full-time in the future
Disadvantages of part time jobs
- This sometimes leads to unemployment.
- This can cause problems when scheduling appointments and agreeing on tasks.
- The challenge of measuring working time and productivity of part-time employees
- This will negatively affect the career development of employees
- Colleagues may find employees less motivated
- Management problems
- Other responsibilities of employees need to be reviewed and reassigned
- Unfair treatment
- Discrimination against foreign workers
Age limits
High school students under 15 and 18 years of age are not allowed to work. On the other hand, young people aged 13 and over and up to 15 years old can work if they have a work permit issued by the Ministry of Labor and Human Resources. People under the age of 13 can also obtain a work permit to participate in artistic activities. When employers hire young people under the age of 18, they must have a certificate of family relations confirming the age and consent of those who have parental rights, such as parents or guardians.
Female part time jobs
Becoming a female part-timer It depends on your nationality, age, education, work experience, visa, etc. Others work as language teachers, the most common languages are English, Japanese and Chinese. You can also find my female part-timers in convenient stores, as managers in restaurants, boutiques, etc. They also work as bartenders.
How to look for part time jobs in South Korea?
If you’re a student, headlines can be difficult to find at times, so you have no choice but to find a part-time job. The majority of jobs are in the service sector (providing food, selling goods, cleaning, etc.), and by 2020 most jobs will have the lowest wages (8,590 won an hour). Here are some of the sites you can use to scavenge for part time jobs:
- Albamom is probably what most Koreans know. However, the website only supports Korean, so if you don’t speak Korean, you might need a translation app.
- Craigslist in South Korea is more contractual. However, be careful when contacting people through this site.
Tips for part-time workers
- Be transparent about your schedule, make your priorities clear when being interviewed.
- Have a strong and organised routine to ensure stability in work and home life.
- Build good relationships with your employees, especially seniors.
- Never undermine paperwork before starting the job.
- Find a job with someone you trust. Teamwork is always beneficial.