Nowadays it is hard to imagine a company manager (even if the company consists of 5-10 people) who would not be interested in controlling the working hours of his subordinates. Hopes for the responsibility of colleagues are not always justified, especially since the notorious “human factor”, force majeure circumstances, as well as a phenomenon described by the fashionable word “procrastination ” come into force.
As a result, you have a choice: either to look for a reliable employee monitoring software , or to pay hefty sums for disruptions of deadlines, delays and other violations of discipline. The choice is obvious, and there is such a tool!
How Monitask provides control of working hours “in two clicks”.
1. Draws up reports on the real working schedule of each subordinate, detailing periods, identifying delays, “recycling”, early departures from work, temporary absences from the office.
2) Identifies visits to web pages and software activation, and then identifies their compliance with the employee’s job responsibilities and assesses the productivity of their use. This allows you to monitor the time spent with these tools, find out which web resources “steal” time and how much.
3) Determines how productive the employee has been while away from the office (at a business meeting, seminar, presentation, or just away from work).
4. Helps to find out if the office facilities were really used to achieve corporate goals – with the help of visual control (screenshots, webcams).
5. Provides final operational reporting on the channel of your choice (e-mail, mobile gadget, personal cabinet on the site) for the period of interest and using a variety of criteria (eg, reporting on delays).
6. Help to evaluate the collective work of employees, which can be organized into virtual groups (for example, if they work on one project).
7. The utility’s functionality allows to individualize settings (in accordance with the duties, rights and powers of an employee), which will make the assessment of expenses of his time even more accurate.
As you can see, time control can be simple, efficient, and most importantly – complex. You don’t have to spend your time monitoring the staff, Monitask will do everything for you. Install it and make sure that it is effective, the test period is free