No matter whether you are scaling up your business or working in any other type of endeavor, apps are a powerful way to communicate with your audience. A customized app can help you distribute content, offer products and services, and more importantly, it can help keep your users engaged with your brand.
If you are looking to build an app, there is a lot you need to know. As an app development company, we usually recommend keeping your goals in mind. Among other things, this can help you decide whether you should choose Android, iOS, or both. If you are thinking about building an iOS app but are not quite sure, this post is for you. We will discuss 3 advantages of iOS apps that are not often discussed.
iOS and the User Experience
When it comes to the apps that offer the best User Experience, iOS has what many industry experts consider to be the most powerful mobile app experience. iPhones and other Apple mobile devices offer app developers and users many benefits that other platforms like Android do not. Don’t get me wrong. Android is also a great choice, but it differs from iOS in some important ways that I will not be discussing in this article; there’s plenty of resources on the web regarding this topic.
Keep in mind that when it comes to app development, nothing is written in stone. There isn’t a single formula to determine what platform is more convenient. Sometimes, you might even want to choose a cross-platform app. Ultimately, this decision depends on factors such as your budget, strategy, timeline, and target audience.
Although experienced developers are capable of building a great User Experience no matter the platform, there are some unique things that iOS offers. Understanding them is key to making the most out of any iOS app.

Advantages of iOS
You’ve probably heard that Apple’s products are built around user-centered design and other industry best practices. All these ‘fun facts’ are most likely true, and as important as they are, we feel that there are other more important things that sometimes people are unaware of when it comes to iOS apps. Due to their level of detail, these subtle details are only known by developers and technologists, and they can be decisive at the moment of differentiating good apps from superb ones.
As an app development company, we at Koombea feel that there are 3 main reasons why, no matter your project, you should have an iOS app:
- Apple is known for being an innovative company. Having an app that runs on the iOS platform means that you will be able to benefit from any new features and updates they implement. Although they don’t necessarily create everything they offer, they really are the best ones integrating and branding new products and services. After all, it isn’t about whether you invent something or not, but how you use it, and most importantly, how you sell it.
- It is common in the software industry to hear things like Apple’s products are too restrictive when it comes to hardware and software. Although this is true, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. By keeping control of their devices and their software, Apple guarantees a minimum quality level throughout their family of products and services. This helps keep both an operational and quality standard that few other companies have.
- Around the world, user privacy is becoming more of an issue. Data has been referred to as the new gold, and many companies want to make the most of it no matter how. Although not perfect, iOS has proven to be one of the most secure OS in the market when it comes to privacy. No system is completely safe, but Apple makes sure their products are as secure as they can be. If you value privacy, then iOS is probably your best choice.
These 3 advantages are highly overlooked by companies without experience developing an iOS app. Nonetheless, they are very important in terms of building an app strategically. In the long term, they may help your app capitalize on key app elements like novelty, device compatibility, and privacy.
Final Thoughts on iOS
These are just a few of the many advantages iOS has. Remember to consider them thoroughly when designing your app. If you are inexperienced in terms of app building, you should definitely contact an experienced app development partner.
Many companies offer iOS app development services, but few are really capable of delivering a product that can scale strategically while staying aligned to your business goals. Check out different sites that recommend app development companies and consider various candidates before choosing one.
Make sure to align your mobile app development process with your business goals. App development partners should be able to go the extra mile and integrate the process with your business goals.